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Unsung Heroes & Good Music

I love good music. Sometimes I lookout for different versions of a song, as this can be a treasure on its own. This time I found a version of the old US folk song “500 Miles Away From Home” or “900 Miles Away From Home”, here sung by female role model, folk singer, guitarist, record producer and political activits Barbara Dane.

Seems to be an old tune interpreted by oh so many artists with varying distances and minor differences in the lyrics; see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/500_Miles.

By the way: Together with her husband she produced records to capture “cultural expressions, especially protests, in order to preserve them” (well, except fascist songs 😂).

Reposted from karlmurks

Rot-Grüner Stasi-Fetisch

Toll, die rot-grünen Faschisten wollen nun endgültig wieder auf Stasi-Niveau zurück.

Nachdem das BKA schon die Digitalgeräte der Bürger jederzeit als Abhörwanze nutzen darf, soll jetzt das "verdeckte Betreten von Wohnungen" ermöglicht werden.

Der Überwachungsalbtraum der DDR ist keine 35 Jahre her und schon vergessen; Menschen sind wohl wahrlich unfähig aus Geschichte zu lernen. Bloß gut, das die Mauer diesmal nicht in Berlin steht, sondern an den Außengrenzen der EU.

Reposted from karlmurks

News from cyberpunk dystopia

A nightly mating ritual of robotic cars. At 4 am in the morning.

NBC News: "Waymo cars keep SF neighborhood awake. Waymos are backing into parking spots, which appears to trigger honking from the other Waymos […]

The cars are robotic, and they are honking at each other; and there is no one in the cars when it's happening"



AI will make our lives better they said…

Reposted from karlmurks

„Ich will nicht sterben in der Angst, ich will nen Samen sähen.“

– Plaeikke

Reposted from karlmurks